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How to start & use discussions for clients

Learn how to send and respond to messages.

Kian avatar
Written by Kian
Updated over 9 months ago

Discussion is a powerful feature that allows you to communicate directly with the people responsible for information security and compliance within your suppliers and clients through the Risk Ledger platform.

πŸ’‘Discussions are private between you and the organisation you are messaging with and will not be visible to any of your other connections.

Example Use Cases For Discussions:

  • Ask for clarification on an answer given to a specific control.

  • Ask for more detailed information on how a control is implemented.

  • Ask a bespoke question not already covered in the assessment framework.

Control Level Discussion

Control level discussions are discussions that are linked to a specific control within the framework. These allow you to ask follow-up questions to a supplier within the assessment.

To launch a control level discussion navigate to a supplier profile for whom you want to chat with, then click into their assessment and into the control you want to start a discussion under. Write your message into the comment box in the "Activity" tab to start a discussion.

General Discussions

General discussions are discussions that are not linked to a control within the framework. To launch a general discussion navigate to the supplier profile for whom you want to chat with and select the discussion tab. Following this, select "+ New Discussion".

View All Open Discussions

When you receive a discussion or a response to a discussion you launched the platform will send you a notification. You can view a list of all suppliers you currently have an ongoing discussion with in your accounts "Discussions" tab.

You can also select whether you wish to view all discussion that are currently Open or whether you wish to only view your discussions. You can easily change this view the drop down shown below.

Archiving Your Discussions

When you are finished with a discussion you can archive it by navigating to the relevant supplier discussions tab and click "Archive" next to the relevant discussion.

You can view your archived discussions at any time by using the drop down box and selecting Archive.

If you wish to unarchive a discussion, you can do this by responding to the discussion or by selecting the Unarchive button on the top right-hand side.

πŸ’‘ If there is anything we haven't covered, please feel free to contact us at or alternatively, select the Chat icon in the bottom right corner.

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