How to Categorise & Tag Suppliers
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Written by Kian
Updated over a week ago

Tagging Your Suppliers in Risk Ledger Based on Their Categorisation

You can tag your suppliers on Risk Ledger based on three categories:

  • Criticality

  • Confidentiality

  • PII (Personal Identifier Information)

These tags will determine the risk requirements for a specific supplier and drive the policies that are set over their assessment.

The Supplier Tags can be found on the supplier's 'Overview' page:

Criticality Tag

The key question to ask is how big of an impact would a breach of confidentiality or availability of service at supplier impact your own buisness?


High impact and dependency. E.g. business highly dependent on this supplier - will cause service outage, supplier strategically significant to the business, high contract value, high risk to clients and difficult to replace.


Moderate impact and dependency. E.g. bespoke service but alternatives available, disruption of service would require escalation to executive team but may not cause full service outage, potential risk to clients.


Business not dependent on this supplier. E.g. services not bespoke to business, not of strategic significance, low contract value, low risk and easy to replace.

Confidentiality Tag

The key question to ask is what is the amount and classification of data shared with supplier?

Highly Confidential

Sharing and processing of significant amount of highly confidential data; breach would likely result in regulatory action or significant negative business impact.


Sharing and processing of confidential data; breach may result in regulatory action or negative business impact.


No sharing of confidential data; no regulatory consequences and no negative business impact in the event of a breach.


No sharing of data.

PII (Personal Identifier Information) Tag

The key question to ask is do we share any personal data with this supplier?

Holds PII

Yes, PII is shared.


No, PII is not shared.

๐Ÿ’กIf you would like to embed Risk Ledger into your organization's team structure, contact us and we can schedule a free session to support you.

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