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Approval Flow

This article explores the Approval Flow processes and the different ways to action approvals or rejections of suppliers’ security profiles.

Kian avatar
Written by Kian
Updated over 7 months ago

Once you have reviewed a supplier on Risk Ledger, you can either approve or reject the assessment or send an approval request to a colleague via email for business approval with your recommendation based on the review.

You will find the approval status on the top right hand side of the supplier overview page.

The Different Kind of Approval Flows

In Platform Approval

Once a supplier profile has been reviewed by your business, you can indicate their approval status in the platform.

When you first connect with a supplier, the approval status shows as Unapproved. Once the approval process has begun you can change the approval status to In Progress.

Once the decision of approval has been made, approved or rejected is selected.

Request Business Approval

When a colleague who does not have user access to Risk Ledger needs to approve a supplier you can use the Request Business Approval Feature.

💡 The receiver of a business approval request does not need to be a user on Risk Ledger to be able to approve or reject a suppliers assessment.

To approve the supplier using the Request Business Approval option, enter the email address of the approver, select a recommended action and add a message for the approver in the dialog box.

This will send an email to the colleague who can view a report of the assessment including all non-compliant controls and can approve or reject the supplier directly from the report. The outcome is then reflected in the supplier overview page under status.

Assign Multiple Approvers

Multiple users can be assigned to approve a supplier. When clicking into the approval status, you can select users to approve or reject the supplier. The user assigned will receive an email notification from Risk Ledger asking them to review the supplier and assign them an approval status.

Once an assigned user has approved or rejected a supplier, you will see the status change next to their name in the reviewers field.

💡The overall status for the supplier will not change automatically if all reviewers approve or reject the supplier. You will have to monitor responses and still assign the supplier their overall status once you are happy with all reviewers responses.

Under the Status section, you will see the approval status, name of the approver with the time stamp of the approval and expiry date.

💡 You can configure whether your organisation requires Business Approval and whether to have Multiple Reviewers enabled in your account Settings in the Supplier Approval tab.

Setting up Re-Approval Requirements

You can configure the time-frame for which you require a supplier to be re-approved. To do this navigate to your account Settings > Supplier Approval > Require Re-Approval. Here you can set the frequency at which you require re-approval.

Once a supplier has been approved the approval will then show as Expired once the time frame has lapsed. Expired approvals will also be flagged on your account Dashboard Page.

💡 If there is anything we haven't covered, please feel free to contact us at or alternatively, select the Chat icon in the bottom right corner.

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